When the UTA light rail constructed a train wash, one of the concerns was keeping the tracks near the wash from icing up in the winter. With the constant presence ...
The Blue Sky luxury resort outside of Park City, Utah sought out Warmquest to provide a roof deicing solution for several of their buildings. With this large project came a ...
This snowmelt retrofit in concrete was installed by Warmquest using Heatizon Systems Tuff Cable products for a residence that needed to utilize convenient wheel chair access. The home-owner utilizes a ...
When the Utah Transit Authority began its TRAX light rail project one of the many features planned was a snow melting system for the ADA ramps located at each stop ...
When the owners of this office building needed a failed snow melting system replaced, they reached out to Warmquest. The plan was to heat a stretch of sidewalk and an ...
The Smithsonian Institution’s Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory is located southeast of Tucson, Arizona. While Arizona doesn’t exactly conjure up images of snow and ice, the observatory is located in the ...
The snow melting system originally installed into the driveway of the home had failed because the concrete had moved so dramatically that the heating element eventually broke in many places ...
When this Utah elementary school decided to update an entrance and add an ADA ramp, Warmquest was brought in to provide a snow melting solution. The entrance faces Northwest and ...
The Jordan Valley Water Treatment Plant in Bluffdale, Utah, treats millions of gallons of water every day. The sidewalk on the north side of the building is the main entrance ...
The Taggart Student Center at Utah State University features an atrium with a large set of windows. As snow and ice accumulated on the roof below the sloped windows, it ...
The LDS Conference Center in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah was a unique and ambitious project. Designed to seat over 20,000 people, the structure has many impressive features and systems ...
Aesthetics, longevity and performance were the primary objectives when selecting the appropriate way to melt the snow and ice off of the roof of this church located in Park City, ...
Warmquest was privileged to assist Logan High School with a recent remodel and addition. When a new tower was constructed over the entryway, Warmquest was called upon to provide a ...
A food processing plant in the Midwest experienced large snow loads on their roof this past winter. The snow drifted up against the wall of a taller section of the ...
When the owners of this remote mountain cabin had to choose between propane or electric heating, they reached out to Warmquest for a low voltage electric floor and space heating ...
One of the selling points for a condominium complex at the Deer Valley resort was proximity to the ski slopes. The facility thrives on its ski in and out access ...
As part of a larger remodeling project, this office building decided to install a snow melting system to heat the entrance and stairs. Warmquest was able to design and install ...
When the Museum of Natural Curiosity, located in Lehi, UT, wanted to have radiant heat installed under their metal roof, they turned to Warmquest for the solution. Warmquest was able ...
When hardware store heat trace cables failed to prevent ice and snow buildup and damage on the roof of this mountain home, the owner reached out to Warmquest to provide ...
The ramps to access this office parking lot would freeze over and create a host of problems. For those accessing the underground parking, cars would slide into the security gate ...
Beyond our ever expanding line of stock heating solutions, Warmquest offers custom manufactured cables and panels for our most unique projects. This homeowner took advantage of our custom solutions when ...
Warmquest was privileged to assist this major city with a bus rapid transit project. The project called for the addition of 8 stops with platforms for loading and unloading buses ...
To provide safe and convenient access to this Heatizon Systems facility, a parking lot snow melting system was planned and installed by Warmquest. The system was installed in two parts ...
Sometimes snowfall is the least of a homeowner’s worries. In the case of this project, runoff from the roof was turning into ice and accumulating on the sidewalk and front ...
The Salt Palace Convention Center has a secondary entrance where concrete slopes downward toward the building. The layout of the area prevented snow from being shoveled, hand railings blocked equipment ...
The Red Feather Lodge, near the Grand Canyon came to Warmquest for assistance in protecting their customers from ice buildup on several stairways. The two story lodge has 6 exterior ...
There is a growing trend nationally of retirees preparing their homes for “aging in place”. This project was designed to further that goal and prepare the family home for years ...
When the office complex at One Union Station in Denver Colorado needed to manage snow and ice on a roof overhang, they turned to Warmquest for a tailormade solution. Warmquest’s ...
The Orem UDOT carpentry building has a large roof drain on the north side of the structure. During the winter months as the snow and ice would melt from the ...
When the owners decided to build a mountain home in Big Cottonwood Canyon outside of Salt Lake City, finding an efficient way to heat their new home was one of ...
When the owners of a historical home in Park City, Utah decided to renovate their property one of their concerns was how to efficiently heat the home. Being a smaller ...
To add to the comfort and luxury of this mountain home in Park City, a low voltage Tuff Cable system was purchased and installed in the master bathroom area. A ...
This cabin is situated near a ski resort at 7800 feet in Alta, Utah. The owners wanted to remodel their basement, but did not want to run ducting down to ...
During a remodel, this homeowner decided to add in-floor heating to the tile floor. This smaller area was the perfect location for our Heatwave products. Heatwave mats and cables provide ...
The owners of this home reached out to Warmquest after snow accumulation on their deck led to leaking and water damage in the patio area below. To prevent this from ...
Forced air heating systems are not always practical or even available. When this resort at the top of the Wasatch Mountains needed a heat source, the options were limited to ...
At the Pepperidge Farm manufacturing plant in Richmond, Utah, a recent plant expansion created a problem with snow and ice buildup on a section of roof. This collection of snow ...
Nothing beats a permanent snow melting solution, but sometimes embedding heating cables into the surface isn’t an option. This homeowner elected to purchase and “install” our Radiant Trak portable snow ...
If you live in Northern Utah you will experience a great deal of snow throughout the winter. The thought of having to shovel or use a snow blower to keep ...
This residence contains a 500 square foot snow melting system which includes four innovative features. First, the customer wanted snow melting in a sidewalk coming up the side of his ...
To extend the lifespan of three natural stone decks and allow for year round use, this homeowner chose to add a Tuff Cable snow melting system beneath the stone. Warmquest ...
This medical facility at the University of Utah hospital required an icing solution for the main entrance. The entrance is a bridge, making the area especially susceptible to slippery conditions ...
This driveway was in need of replacement, and because of the steepness of the driveway and the geographic location of the home, a snow melting system was desirable. Warmquest designed ...
Heating a deck for snow melting purposes is an excellent option to create an outdoor space that can be enjoyed all year. Each deck is different and Warmquest addresses deck ...
When this commercial office building decided to redo their entry area it provided the perfect opportunity to add heat. Warmquest was able to provide a Hott-Wire snow melting system to ...
To ensure they would be able to enjoy their home for years to come, this aging couple decided to add radiant heat to their steep driveway. Following discussions with the ...
National trucking company CR England is headquartered in the snowy Salt Lake valley in Northern Utah. Among their many facilities is a truck wash which operates all winter long. To ...
Category: Radiant Heat Installation
Deicing Train Wash
Roof Deicing and Snow Melting
Resort Roof Deicing
Retrofit Snow Melting
Heated ADA Ramps
Sidewalk Heating with Redundancy
Observatory Roof Deicing
Retrofit Heated Driveway
Heated School Stairs and ADA Ramp
Water Treatment Plant Snow Melt
University Roof Deicing
Conference Center Snow Melting
Church Roof Deicing
Falling Snow Prevention
Food Processing Plant Roof Deicing
Cabin Heated Floors
Ski Resort Heated Sidewalk
Office Entrance Snow Melting
Under Metal Roof Deicing
Standing Seam Roof Deicing
Parking Ramp Snow Melt
Custom Heated Sidewalks and Driveway
Heated Mass Transit Platforms
Heated Parking Lot
Front Entry Heating
Heated Convention Center Entrance
Stair Pan Snow Melting
Heated Existing Driveway
Office Roof Deicing
Heated Drainage Path
Space Heating – Mountain Home
In Floor Heating – Historic Home
Floor Warming – Master Suite
Space Heating – Cabin
Floor Warming – Basement Remodel
Heated Epoxy Deck
Space Heating – Ski Village
Manufacturing Plant Roof Deicing
Portable Snow Melting Mats
Heated Driveway and Stairs
Deck and Stairs Snow Melting
Heated Stone Deck
Bridge Snow Melting
Heated Driveway – Stamped Concrete
Deck Snow Melting with Invizimelt
Heated Paver Entrance
Heated Driveway Tire Tracks
Car Wash Deicing
Heated Truck Wash