This home is located in an area where snow and ice can be both a safety issue for people and the cause of damage to buildings. Ten (10) zones of Heatizon Systems low voltage radiant snow melting and radiant roof snow melt and deicing products were installed on and around the residence.
Two (2) of the zones utilized Heatizon Systems ZMesh heating element and were installed under the composite shingle roof covering material of the residence. Located along the eave over-hang and up certain valleys of the roof the ZMesh is designed to melt the snow and ice from the roof and thereby prevent ice dams, eliminate icicles, provide a clear path for water from melted snow and help manage snow load levels. Activated by an aerial mounted temperature/moisture sensor the portion of the roof with ZMesh is clear of snow and ice whenever the ambient temperature is 38 degrees F. or less and moisture is falling on the self drying sensor. A mechanical timer provides manual over-ride capabilities.
The driveway, sidewalk and stairs have 8 zones of Heatizon Systems Tuff Cable heating element embedded in the concrete to melt snow as it falls. Jumpers were installed under any and all joints and striker marks in the concrete to ensure that element damage due to vertical or horizontal shifting, settling and other movement of the concrete is avoided and that the systems performs for years into the future. The snow melt system is activated by a pavement temperature/moisture sensor that activated the snow melt whenever the slab temperature falls below 38 degrees F. and moisture is falling on the self drying head. Heatizon Systems M329 Selector was utilized to provide a soft and staged start of the control units and allow for manual over-ride operation.
Roof Deicing and Snow Melting
This home is located in an area where snow and ice can be both a safety issue for people and the cause of damage to buildings. Ten (10) zones of Heatizon Systems low voltage radiant snow melting and radiant roof snow melt and deicing products were installed on and around the residence.