Installing a new driveway? Now is the perfect time to install a snow melting system. Warmquest provides a range of systems for driveway heating, with DIY friendly solutions. Let’s take a look at what is involved in a Do It Yourself heated driveway. As always, any DIY project should be sure to follow all local codes, ordinances, and laws.
In order for our team to provide the proper materials and pricing, we’ll need to know some details about the project. Most important is the size of the area being heated. Our systems are custom designed to meet the needs of projects of various scales and pricing fluctuates depending on a variety of factors. To get an accurate quote, your Warmquest professional will need to know the square footage of the area you are heating. For tire track or car path installations the length of the driveway being heated can be used.
Other important considerations will be the materials you are planning on using in your driveway (concrete, asphalt, pavers, etc), the power source available (typically this is 240V), and the location of the control units or panels to operate the system.
Laying the Heating Elements
Installing the heating mats or cables is fairly straightforward. With the exception of our Tuff Cable, the heating cables cannot be altered or shortened in the field. This means that careful planning up front is critical for a successful installation. Our cable products must be installed in a loop, meaning that part of this planning is ensuring you allow enough space and cable to return back to your start point. Our DIY friendly SnowMeltz Mats are the exception to this and can be rolled out without worrying about a return run.
The system is laid out on the spacing determined during the planning stage and anchored in place. In asphalt or paver installations this is often done by zip tying the cables to stakes. In concrete we recommend using a welded wire fabric and attaching the cables to that before raising it on castle chairs to be in the center of the pour.
This is where DIY projects may require a licensed electrician. Power will need to be provided for the heating system and wiring run from your distribution panel to the system control units or relay panel. The cables will be connected to the relevant controls. Any activation devices such as sensors or timers will need to be wired and set up. It is important to follow all relevant local codes during this process.
DIY Driveway Heating
Installing a new driveway? Now is the perfect time to install a snow melting system. Warmquest provides a range of systems for driveway heating, with DIY friendly solutions. Let’s take a look at what is involved in a Do It Yourself heated driveway. As always, any DIY project should be sure to follow all local codes, ordinances, and laws.
In order for our team to provide the proper materials and pricing, we’ll need to know some details about the project. Most important is the size of the area being heated. Our systems are custom designed to meet the needs of projects of various scales and pricing fluctuates depending on a variety of factors. To get an accurate quote, your Warmquest professional will need to know the square footage of the area you are heating. For tire track or car path installations the length of the driveway being heated can be used.
Other important considerations will be the materials you are planning on using in your driveway (concrete, asphalt, pavers, etc), the power source available (typically this is 240V), and the location of the control units or panels to operate the system.
Laying the Heating Elements
Installing the heating mats or cables is fairly straightforward. With the exception of our Tuff Cable, the heating cables cannot be altered or shortened in the field. This means that careful planning up front is critical for a successful installation. Our cable products must be installed in a loop, meaning that part of this planning is ensuring you allow enough space and cable to return back to your start point. Our DIY friendly SnowMeltz Mats are the exception to this and can be rolled out without worrying about a return run.
The system is laid out on the spacing determined during the planning stage and anchored in place. In asphalt or paver installations this is often done by zip tying the cables to stakes. In concrete we recommend using a welded wire fabric and attaching the cables to that before raising it on castle chairs to be in the center of the pour.
This is where DIY projects may require a licensed electrician. Power will need to be provided for the heating system and wiring run from your distribution panel to the system control units or relay panel. The cables will be connected to the relevant controls. Any activation devices such as sensors or timers will need to be wired and set up. It is important to follow all relevant local codes during this process.